
Nordic Wørship is a Christian creative community based in Trondheim, Norway, encouraging different expressions of worship in the Nordic countries as we believe that you can use whatever quality, talent, and gift God has given you to worship Him and spread the hope and light of Jesus.

Our vision is to connect and collaborate with wørshippers* to create and release spirit-filled projects that lights up the world.

Nordic Wørship was established in 2019 by founder, musician, and producer Geir Simonsen.



ˈwɜːrʃɪpər · noun

Someone who uses their time, resources, qualities, talents, and gifts to worship Jesus and spread light, and comes from or lives in one of the Nordic countries.[1]

[1] Nordic countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland.


Why "wørshipper"? ”Ø” is a letter in the Danish and Norwegian alphabet pronounced similarly to the English letter "O" in the word "Worship"; it's a Nordic twist on the word. Also, the Nordic Wørship base is in Norway.


If we want to do something great,
we need to collaborate.

wørshipper x wørshipper
lights up the world



This is our mission:

➤ To encourage different expressions of worship in the Nordic countries

➤ To create a network of dedicated wørshippers

➤ To use our network to collaborate on various projects

➤ To publish, showcase, and promote these projects on our webpage and social media

➤ To offer different services and put together teams that are able to handle various request


We value

We believe in the triune God; God: Our father and the creator of the universe and of all mankind; Jesus: The son of God and the way, the truth and the life; The Holy Spirit: The Spirit of God and our helper.

To energize each other to new levels.

Freedom to worship God in spirit and truth, and freedom to say yes or no to projects.

To finish what we have started.

Communication is key.

Quality in relationships, journey, and destination.

To create an economy that enables us to realize projects, value wørshippers, and grow.

Courageous exploration.


Prophetic Words

Nordic Wørship was conceived pre-pandemic by the musician and producer Geir Simonsen, and is based on different personal prophetic words as well as several prophetic words spoken over the Nordic countries.

One of the words came from a woman from Nazareth who saw an angel shooting an arrow over Finland, Sweden, and Norway in a vision. The fletching was in Finland, the shaft (strength) was in Sweden, and the arrow point was in Norway. In all its essence, it means that revival will start in the north and spread like fire to the rest of Europe. Nordic Wørship wants to be a part of that.

Teaming up creatively with business architect, graphic designer, and singer-songwriter Marion Winsnes, early versions of the vision and the design were developed and published.

We continuously work on sharpening the vision and improving every aspect of Nordic Wørship.

Est. 2019


The team

  • Geir Kristian Simonsen

    Founder, Musician, Producer

  • Ivar Hegdal

    Musician, Worship Leader

  • Marion Kristina Winsnes

    Business architect, Graphic designer, Singer-songwriter

  • Marita Sandstad Næss

    Illustrator, Merch Model, TikTok Admin